xXx Fanzine 1985 Spotify Playlist Launched


We've launched another xXx Fanzine Spotify playlist, once again curated by Mike Gitter. This time we focus on the year 1985. Some words from Mike Gitter...

"By 1985, Hardcore America had branched beyond its three-chord, primitive origins. As documented in xXx Fanzine 1983-88: Hardcore and Punk In The Eighties, sheer speed was being supplanted by actual songs via the likes of Husker Du, Scream and a re-activated Descendents (with Milo back from college). In Dischord D.C., "Revolution Summer" was warming up with Rites of Spring exploring punk's poetic possibilities (birthing "Emo" in the process) while bands like Raleigh's Corrosion of Conformity and So-Cal metallers, Hirax were freely cross-pollinating punk with metallic sophistication  as skinheads and longhairs no longer stared each other down from opposite sides of the room. Add to that, SST (the label that Black Flag built), Homestead and Touch & Go laying the foundation for the indie rock explosion, the shock-waves of which are still being felt today. The youth weren't just getting restless. They were adding something cooler to the chaos. "

