
R.A. is a straightforward, no-frills hardcore band from Merrimack Valley, Massachusetts. They formed in the summer of 2011 and released a demo on Arrest Records, followed by The Awakening EP and a split 12" with Death Threat, both on local hardcore label Triple B Records. These releases were all well-received, each one even more than its predecessor, which led them to tour extensively around hardcore circles in the U.S. and Canada and to attract the attention of Bridge Nine Records, who fired off their first full-length, Collateral Damage, in 2014.

Collateral Damage is a pummeling debut that traces a beloved lineage of hardcore acts like No Warning and Madball, barreling through with sub-two-minute juggernauts. But it's not without its enraged analysis of man's relationship with one another, exploring the hardships of exploitation, control, misdirected belligerence and cold mistreatment.

Josh - Vocals • Tyler - Guitar • Austin - Guitar • Jordan - Bass • Kurt - Drums





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